Clean Energy Partnership Board adopts inaugural Annual Report

At its June 3, 2016 meeting the Clean Energy Partnership Board released the inaugural Clean Energy Partnership Annual Report on its groundbreaking clean energy initiative. The report highlights the group’s efforts in creating the partnership structure, establishing the first two-year work plan and adopting baseline metrics measuring progress in the partnership’s first year. It also creates a more complete picture of the city’s greenhouse gas profile related to buildings and energy production, consumption and savings opportunities. Measurable results will be documented and reported annually.

First year highlights

  • The first year focused on creating the Energy Vision Advisory Committee, establishing partnership procedure and structure, developing a work plan and putting metrics into place. The partnership also began some coordinated outreach promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy options for Minneapolis businesses and residents.
  • In 2015 Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy spent more than $1 million combined to help low-income customers improve the energy efficiency of their homes and leveraged nearly $1 million more in federal support for residential weatherization programs. In addition the City of Minneapolis bought down the cost of Home Energy Squad visits to income-qualified residents. Home Energy Squad assesses a home’s energy efficiency, makes some energy efficiency improvements and makes custom recommendations for more intensive energy efficiency improvements.
  • There were 40 percent more rooftop solar installations in the city in 2015 than 2014 (92 in 2015 compared to 56 in 2014).
  • The partnership began working together on energy efficiency program innovations in single family and multi-family housing.
  • The partnership worked together to promote Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy’s joint Home Energy Squad, visits to customers’ homes to improve their energy efficiency. The promotions resulted in a 68 percent increase in visits from 2014 to 2015 (1,198 visits in 2015 compared to 731 in 2014).

Actions of the Clean Energy Partnership are outlined in the first two-year work plan.

The partnership has been recognized nationally as an innovative model between cities and utilities. The American Council for Energy Efficient Economy ranked Minneapolis No. 7 for most energy efficient U.S. cities and one of the most improved. The White House recognized Minneapolis as one of 16 Climate Action Champion communities citing its Climate Action Plan and partnership with the two utilities, Xcel Energy and Center Point Energy.

This first-of-its-kind City-utility partnership, the Clean Energy Partnership began in 2015 and has the City of Minneapolis, Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy collaborating in new ways to help Minneapolis achieve clean energy goals in the City’s 2013 Climate Action Plan and Energy Vision for 2040. The partnership helps utility customers reach their energy conservation goals as the City works to achieve 80 percent greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2050.

Clean Energy Partnership wins EPA’s 2016 Climate Leadership Award

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has named the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership a 2016 Climate Leadership Award winner in the Innovative Partnerships category for addressing climate change. The EPA, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and The Climate Registry are honoring 13 organizations, three partnerships and one individual in the fifth annual Climate Leadership Awards. Recipients have demonstrated leadership and dedication in reducing the pollution that contributes to climate change. The Innovative Partnerships certificate recognizes organizations working collaboratively on leading-edge climate initiatives.

This first-of-its-kind City-utility partnership, the Clean Energy Partnership began in 2015 and has the City of Minneapolis, Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy collaborating in new ways to help Minneapolis achieve clean energy goals in the City’s 2013 Climate Action Plan and Energy Vision for 2040. The utilities are using the partnership to help customers achieve their energy conservation goals.

Key actions of the Clean Energy Partnership are outlined in the first two-year work plan within the planned 10 year partnership.

  • Helping 75 percent of Minneapolis homeowners, renters and rental properties participate in efficiency retrofit programs by 2025, ensuring the distribution of participants reflects the distribution of income levels in the city.
  • Implementing the Building Energy Disclosure policy for medium and large commercial buildings.
  • Promoting the adoption of renewable energy solutions for Minneapolis customers, such as onsite solar, wind, community solar gardens and green tariffs.
  • Investigating the feasibility of large-scale renewable energy purchasing for municipal government and/or residents.
  • Continuing to shift to LED streetlights.

Partnerships recognized by the award have established objectives to measurably address greenhouse gas reduction goals and/or adaptation and resilience activities. Measurable results will be documented and reported annually following the development of metrics.

Find more information about the 2016 Climate Leadership Award here.

Energy Vision Advisory Committee to discuss community engagement at Feb 16 meeting

The Energy Vision Advisory Committee (EVAC) of the Clean Energy Partnership will meet for the Quarter 1 2016 meeting on February 16 from 6-8pm in City Hall, room 319. One of the main agenda items is to discuss a community engagement framework that a working group of EVAC has been laboring over for the last several months. Meeting agenda and materials will be posted on the Meeting Information page as soon as they are available.

Partnership Board appoints members to Energy Vision Advisory Committee

On Friday, March 13th, the Clean Energy Partnership Board voted unanimously to appoint 15 members to the Energy Vision Advisory Committee (EVAC). The Board appointed the members after considering a recommendation from the Planning Team.

Interest in serving on EVAC was very strong among Minneapolis residents and organizations. Over 80 applications were received for the 15 seats. Applications came from all corners of the city, and 18 applications came from individuals who live outside of the city but do business in the city. The diversity of viewpoints represented in the applicant pool was impressive, including students, energy system experts, advocacy organizations, seniors, architects and many more.

EVAC is charged by the Board with reviewing and providing feedback on the Clean Energy Partnership’s biennial work plan and measurement and performance reports; providing feedback on special initiatives as requested by the Board; and, communicating to members’ respective constituencies about EVAC and Board decisions and activities.  The work of EVAC is critical to the success of the Clean Energy Partnership.

EVAC will begin meeting soon to review 2015-2016 Potential Work Plan Items approved by the Board at their meeting in February.

2015-2016 EVAC membership

Ross Abbey
Louis Alemayehu
Cameran Bailey
Trevor Drake
Chris Duffrin
John Farrell
Janne Flisrand
Timothy Gaetz
Sydney Jordan
Matt Kazinka
Kevin Lewis
Karen Monahan
Jamez Staples
William Weber
Annie Levenson-Falk
Julia Silvis