The Energy Vision Advisory Committee (EVAC) is charged by the Board with reviewing and providing feedback on the Clean Energy Partnership’s biennial work plan and measurement and performance reports; providing feedback on special initiatives as requested by the Board; and communicating to members’ respective constituencies about EVAC and Board decisions and activities.  The work of EVAC is critical to the success of the Clean Energy Partnership. EVAC members for 2022-2023 term are:

Member Ward Organization
Margaret Cherne-Hendrick 8 Fresh Energy
Timothy DenHerder Thomas 9 Cooperative Energy Futures
John Farrell 11 Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Leah Hiniker 6 Hennepin County
Molly Janis* 1 Center for Energy and Environment (CEE)
Katie Jones* 10  CEE
Jon Kuskie N/A Piedmont Office Realty Trust and Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
Mauricio Leon N/A Local government climate policy perspective
Marcus Mills 3 Community Power; Black Visions
Patty O’Keefe (Co-Chair) 8 Sierra Club
Jamez Staples 5 Renewable Energy Partners
Beth Tomlinson* (Co-Chair) 2 Stantec Consulting Services
Natalie Townsend* 2 Self/Fresh Energy
Elizabeth Turner 1 Precipitate, PLLC
Ansha Zaman 9 Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy

*New member in 2022