After a successful first two years, the Clean Energy Partnership is now accepting new applications from the public to serve on the 2017-2018 Energy Vision Advisory Committee. This committee will play a critical role in shaping the partnership board’s next two-year work plan to help Minneapolis achieve clean energy goals, including reducing greenhouse gases, increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy, and making energy more affordable and reliable for everyone. The Energy Vision Advisory Committee will provide feedback on the board’s work plan and performance reports, research special initiatives as requested by the board, provide outreach and promotion of board initiatives through member networks, and provide expertise and represent their Minneapolis communities.

A diverse committee is being sought that includes members from critical communities within the city. Viewpoints that could be reflected by committee members include:

  • Renter
  • Multi-Family sector
  • Neighborhood organization representative
  • Homeowner
  • Business sector
  • Small business owner
  • Environmental justice organization
  • Other environmental advocacy organization
  • Low-income/ratepayer advocate
  • CIP program design expert
  • Other energy system expert
  • Clean energy industry organization/representative
  • Academia/Schools
  • Developers
  • Local agency staff (Met Council, county, state, etc.)
  • Public Outreach & Engagement

Applications and more information are available on the Clean Energy Partnership’s website at (see bottom of page).  Applications received by 4 p.m., Monday, September 12th, will be given priority.  Preference for membership will be given to individuals who live in the city or have a history of working in the city.

The Clean Energy Partnership is a first-of-its-kind City-utility collaboration that includes the City of Minneapolis, Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. The partnership is led by a joint City/utility board that reviews and approves work plans focused on helping the City achieve its energy goals.